In case of emergencies and global crises it is crucial to deliver communication assets quickly. Remotely gathered content – often with mobile phones or otherwise readily available equipment – ensures fast turnarounds and enables access to often unreachable locations. These are some of the projects I have worked on.

My contribution: concept, remote content gathering, editing

Challenges and hopes from children around the world
While the coronavirus continues to spread, it has already had a great impact on the lives of many of us. We asked children and young people from around the world how they feel and what they wish for. Listen to what they have to say.

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Tantie baggage: a child labour practice tackled by SOS – coronavirus update
Aminata*, 17, used to carry heavy bags for shoppers at the market to support her family’s income. Together with community partners, SOS Children’s Villages Côte d’Ivoire enabled her to learn a profession. But as the sewing workshop she now works at has less costumers due to the #coronavirus, Aminata* struggles with the economic effects. Listen to what she has to say.

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